Earlier this week, Kate Middleton attended the royal christening of her third child, Prince Louis. As was widely expected, the Duchess of Cambridge opted to wear white for the special occasion. The v-necked dress in question was designed by Sarah Burton for Alexander McQueen, and featured three-quarter length sleeves with puckered shoulders.
With the benefit of hindsight, it’s not too difficult to understand where this choice fits within the Duchess’s past and present stylistic choices. The distinctive, Renaissance-inspired, shoulder puffs matched those of the pale blue dress recently worn by the Duchess at the Trooping of the Colour ceremony, in honor of Queen Elizabeth’s birthday. What’s more, Middleton’s choice of incandescent white was further highlighted, and bookended, by the ice blue coat dress seen the following day to help commemorate the one hundredth anniversary of Britain’s Royal Air Force. These two dresses, as well as the white ensembles worn by the Duchess at the christenings of her two elder children, were also designed by Sarah Burton for Alexander McQueen.
However, in the midst of all this analysis, we couldn’t help but think that the Duchess’s christening ensemble would make for an ideal daytime wedding dress. Picture say, a real-life bride, stepping into a chapel or city hall courtroom in a similar knee-length frock. And while we’ve already broken down why exactly we loved Middleton’s distinctively bridal floral headdress, we were just as inspired by her dress.
Here, we suggest ten little white dresses to help you capture Kate’s baptism look.