Earlier today, Kensington Palace announced that Claire Ptak of the London-based bakery Violet Cakes will make the wedding cake for Meghan Markle and Prince Harry’s wedding. In a statement shared on Instagram, Kensington Palace said, “The couple have asked Claire to create a lemon elderflower cake that will incorporate the bright flavours of spring. It will be covered with buttercream and decorated with fresh flowers.”
Sounds delicious—and very beautiful. But choosing pastry chef Ptak had some added significance for Markle as well. “Claire Ptak, who was raised in California, focuses on using seasonal and organic ingredients in her cakes,” Kensington Palace continued on to say in their statement. “Ms. Markle previously interviewed Chef Ptak for her lifestyle website The Tig. Prince Harry and Ms. Markle are looking forward to sharing the cake with guests at their wedding at Windsor Castle on May 19th.”
Ptak was of course also very eager to share the news. “Kinda excited to announce this one!!” she wrote this morning on Instagram. “Violet has been chosen to make the wedding cake for Prince Harry and Meghan Markle. . . . They both share so many of the same values regarding food provenance, sustainability, seasonality and of course, flavour!”
Indeed. Below, take a look at some other cakes that Ptak has made in the past. Because chances are, the one served at the royal wedding will look at least somewhat like one of these.
—Madeleine Luckel