At Trooping the Colour earlier in the month, the Duchess of Sussex made her first public appearance after giving birth to her son, Archie. On her hand, she sported a new diamond eternity band—likely a present from Prince Harry in honor of their first-born or their first wedding anniversary. People have only just realized that her engagement ring seems to have also been redesigned.
The three-stone ring originally given to Meghan had a yellow-gold band, while the one displayed at the Queen’s annual birthday parade had a thin micro-pavé band and looks to have been reset. Prince Harry worked with jewelers Cleave and Company to custom design the original ring, using one diamond from Botswana and two smaller diamonds from his mother’s collection. It’s unclear whether the diamonds were altered.
The change in band comes long after the Duke of Sussex announced that the original was chosen because it was Meghan’s favorite. “The ring is obviously yellow gold because that’s [Meghan’s] favorite, and the main stone itself I sourced from Botswana, and the little diamonds either side are from my mother’s jewelry collection, to make sure that she’s with us on this crazy journey together,” he said to the BBC after they announced their engagement.
Either Meghan’s favorite has changed or the ring needed to be changed for practical matters. Meghan opted not to wear her ring during the last months of her pregnancy, perhaps because her fingers swelled, so the band change may have been to accommodate that. In royal baby Archie’s first photo call, the new mother was also wearing the new design. In any case, we’re not mad at the new band; it’s delicate and fits the Duchess well.
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