On Saturday night, the original cast of the 1994 British romcom Four Weddings and a Funeral, including stars Andie MacDowell and Hugh Grant, reunited for a short sequel to raise money for a good cause. Titled One Red Nose Day and a Wedding, the short film aired on BBC as part of director Richard Curtis’s charitable Red Nose Day Comic Relief telethon. (Americans will have to wait until the special airs in the U.S. on May 23rd.)
Set 25 years after the original, the short movie sees Charles (Grant) and Carrie (McDowell) married and attending their daughter Miranda’s wedding (she’s played by Lily James). In a twist not many saw coming, instead of a groom waiting for her at the end of the aisle, Miranda ties the knot with Faith (Alicia Vikander, looking amazing in a tuxedo suit), who happens to be the daughter of Charles’s good friend Fiona (Kristen Scott Thomas.) It all stayed in the family in the end!
As for the fashion, James wore a white rose lace dress by Ryan Lo, and her bridesmaids were also dressed in designs from Lo’s spring 2018 collection. On Saturday night, designer Lo wrote on Instagram: “Been keeping this National Wedding secret for months!” Now that that cat’s out of the bag, we can’t wait until late May to watch the ceremony for ourselves!