Here at OTM, we’re all about living in the moment. Because of that, we’ve been choosing French fries over side salad and happy hour instead of barre class for far too long. The party is officially over though my friends, because summer is coming . . . like seriously, it’s right around the corner. So, from here on out, we’re all about veggies, planks, lots of water, and leg lifts. And now that it’s crunch time (pun definitely intended), there’s nothing that will help us stay on track more from now until Memorial Day weekend than a brand new bathing suit. (We’re shopaholics!) And, who better to provide our #beachgoals than Brazilian supermodel, Gisele Bündchen, a woman who basically spends all of her time frolicking in the sand? Here, we’ve pulled together our favorite suits for summer, and broken them down by category (each illustrated with a Bündchen babe). Now all that’s left to do is put down that cupcake and pick up those hand weights.
Summer Swimsuit Goals Courtesy of Gisele
May 11, 2016