Love is in the air in Hollywood! On Monday, Us Weekly confirmed Gina Rodriguez, the star of Jane The Virgin, had gotten engaged to her boyfriend Joe LoCicero during a recent trip to Mexico. For the past few days, the TV star has been busy posting pics from her vacation in Tulum, where she was celebrating her 34th birthday—and later her new engagement, too. Followers of Rodriguez were able to catch a glimpse of her diamond ring after she posted a photo showing off her left hand smiling on the beach, and later an Instagram Story posing along LoCicero and proudly flashing her new hardware on his chest.
The couple first met on the set of her hit TV show, where LoCicero played a stripper for an episode. “He thought I was being nice to him because I am nice to everyone that comes on the show,” she shared on Live With Kelly and Ryan last year. The couple has yet to directly confirm or deny the news, but regardless, congratulations are in order!