Here comes the bride! On Sunday, Jennifer Lawrence was spotted heading into an engagement party with fiancé Cooke Maroney in New York City. The 28-year-old actress, who got engaged earlier this year, was photographed wearing a stunning peach long sleeved gown by L. Wells Bridal. An up close picture of the ethereal dress was shared yesterday by the actress’s stylists Jill Lincoln and Jordan Johnson via their Instagram feed. “We couldn’t be happier and more excited for Jennifer Lawrence to become a Mrs.,” the caption read. “This weekend we toasted Jen and her groom to be…too good of a time was had by all.”
Lauren Wells, the designer behind bridal brand L. Wells Bridal, was thrilled to see her dress in the spotlight. “The reaction has been so positive and amazing,” she explains. “She looked absolutely stunning in the Juliana dress and I love that she decided to go with a blush pink moment.” This is actually the second time the actress has chosen to wear L.Wells for a public outing. Back in October, 2017, she also wore one of L.Well’s wedding dresses to the premiere of Faces Places in Los Angeles—perhaps a sign of things to come?
J.Law’s engagement party dress is currently available to buy on Moda Operandi and L.Wells’s website. But don’t skip over Wells’s many other lovely designs, such as the Minnie, a lacey, minimalist dress in crinkle silk chiffon (very ’90s), and the romantic Rosamund dress, which comes in a blush sheer silk organza with a delicate and unusual flutter neckline, and looks like something straight out of a Jane Austen novel.
Yet Wells actually credits the 1975 film Picnic at Hanging Rock as a major source of inspiration for her latest bridal collection. “I absolutely adore ‘70s films; they are a huge inspiration for all of my work,” she says. “Picnic at Hanging Rock is one of the dreamiest movies and I just couldn’t get it out of my head when I was sketching this collection.”
As for who’s her favorite bride of all time, Wells again looks back to the groovy seventies. “Sharon Tate! Her silk puff sleeved mini dress was to die for!,” she says. “It is my dream dress, and her hair and makeup just made the whole look perfection!
See more L. Wells Bridal dresses below.